Newline delimited JSON explained

Zarif Aziz
1 min readJun 6, 2022

If you’ve been dealing with JSON data lately, you may have heard about Newline delimited JSON (NDJSON). This is a new data format that lets you stream data as opposed to reading an entire file.


Well, think of NDJSON as a collection of JSON objects separated by ‘\n’ instead of commas or tabs.

 # NDJSON example
# JSON example

How is it better than normal JSON?

Each line is considered a valid JSON value — so your query engine can parse each line independently of any other lines in the file.

This also makes NDJSON-formatted files easy to read: just open them up in your favorite text editor and start reading!

NDJSON is a convenient format for storing or streaming structured data that may be processed one record at a time. This leads to super fast processing. It works well with UNIX-style text processing tools and shell pipelines. It is also supported by query engines such as Athena.

Further reading

You can find out more at and

